Frequently Asked Questions of Ordering Gabapentin and Fioricet Online

Fioricet (Acetaminophen, Butalbital, Caffeine )  is  used to treat  tension headaches, but a lot of doctors prescribe it to cure migraine, and other kinds of headache. Almost all people in the US have headache history, there are more than 200 types of headaches. 53% of Headaches are tension headache.

Normally you do not need take fioricet when you have a headache, you can follow the steps here to prevent your headache and treat your headache. But you will be prescribed fioricet when you have serious headache, especially tension headache. Here are the questions that are often asked by patients.

Question 1: Can I take Fioricet ?

Fioricet is usually used for treating tension headaches,  A headache or cephalalgia is pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It can be a symptom of a number of different conditions of the head and neck.  53% of headache is tension headache.   These are headaches that are not caused by other conditions. However, you need to be recommended  by your doctor to buy fioricet online.  Before you buy fioricet online, you must know the side effects of fioricet.

 Can I use Fioricet for Migraine, cluster headaches, or neck Pain ?

fioricet2 Different patients have  different experience. Some patients think it works for migraine headache, some people think it works for neck headache, some patients use fioricet for all kinds of headaches. But some patients think it doesnot work at all.  Fioricet contains three distinct painkiller drugs and may relief your Pain.  Even acetaminophen itself can relief your pains.  Once again, you must have your doctors reviewed your health conditions before you buy fioricet online.

Can I get addicted to Fioricet?

No, you will not be addicted to fioricet if you follow the fioricet instruction. Because one tablet of fioricet contains 40mg butalbital, the max dosage of fioricet you can take per day is six tablets.  It means you can only take 240mg of butalbital per day. Butalbital (5-allyl-5-isobutylbarbituric acid), is a short to intermediate-acting barbiturate. Barbiturates may be habit-forming. The average daily dose for the barbiturate addict is usually about 1500 mg.

If you are addicted, it means that you have at least taken 37 tablets of fioricet per day. It will kill you by the acetaminophen in the fioricet.  The max dosage of acetaminophen per day is 3000mg.


37 tablet of fioricet will have 12,025 mg of acetaminophen.  It is four times of your acetaminophen max dosage and will seriously hurt your liver, heart, and kidney.

Can I have drug dependency on Fioricet ?

Unfortunately YES. You can be dependency on Fioricet. The reason for this is that one of the ingredients in Fioricet is butalbital. Barbiturate have been known to cause dependency if they are used for longer periods of time. If you use Fioricet for longer periods of time, you may develop dependency to it. Luckily, your doctor can help you discontinue the drug without experiencing withdrawal symptoms by slowly tapering down the drug.

The best way to avoid becoming dependency on Fioricet is to only take the medication as prescribed. If you start to notice that Fioricet is getting less effective at treating your headaches, talk to your doctor about alternative options.

 Can I combine Fioricet with other painkillers?

Fioricet already contains two painkillers in it, acetaminophen and butalbital. Either one of these can interact with other painkillers and cause very serious interactions which can be extremely dangerous. Too many painkillers in the system may cause seizures, coma, fainting and even death. Moreover, you should never combine Fioricet with any other drugs unless your doctor approves of such combinations.

Who Can not Buy Fioricet Online ?

Buy Fioricet online is legal and easy yo operate. You only need go to our website to check out. But you can not buy fioricet online if you do not know what you should know before you buy fioricet online. You can not be alcohol addictive and you have not take narcotic related drugs.

We only do business with responsible persons and if you click “buy now” button but do not pick up your order. We will not do any business with you.

If you have sent us a bounced check before, we will not do any business with you.

Following Patients can not buy Fioricet Online

Some patients are not allowed to buy fioricet online though they are OK to buy fioricet in a street pharmacy with their doctors’ prescription:

  1. You have porphyria;
  2. You have alcohol addictive history;
  3. You have recently taken edatives, tranquilizers, or other narcotic medications;
  4. You have taken an MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days;
  5. You have liver disease;
  6. You have cirrhosis disease;
  7. You have drug addiction history;
  8. You drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages per day;
  9. You have kidney disease;
  10. You have asthma, sleep apnea, or other breathing disorder;
  11. You have stomach ulcer or bleeding;
  12. You have a history of skin rash caused by any medication;
  13. You have a history of mental illness or suicidal thoughts;
  14. You use medicine to prevent blood clots;
  15. You are pregnant;
  16. You are breastfeeding.

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Fioricet Cautions and Warnings and What You Must Know Before You Ordering Fioricet Online

Fioricet contains a combination of acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine. Butalbital is a short to intermediate-acting barbiturate and is habit-forming and potentially abusable.  Consequently, the extended use of this product is not recommended.

Acetaminophen is used to relieve mild to moderate pain from headaches, muscle aches, menstrual periods, colds and sore throats, toothaches, backaches, and reactions to vaccinations (shots), and to reduce fever. Caffeine is a methylxanthine similar to theophylline and theobromine. While caffeine is used for stimulant and mood-elevating effects in drinks such as coffee, it also has been used to treat neonatal apnea and headaches in combination with other analgesics.

Following image is the ingredient of fioricet.

 the ingredient of fioricet

The average daily dose for the barbiturate addict is usually about 1500 mg.  But the lethal dose of a barbiturate is far less if alcohol is also ingested. It is strictly required not taking alcohol while you are taking fioricet. One of the important ingredient is acetaminophen. A lot of drugs contains acetaminophen.

More than 600 medicines contain acetaminophen. These medicines include both prescription medicines and OTC medicines. On prescription labels, acetaminophen is sometimes listed as “APAP,” “acetam,” or other shorted versions of the word.  Please read very carefully when you are taking the medicines that contains APAP because overdose of acetaminophen will hurt your heart, liver,  and kidney seriously.  To know what is in your medicines, read the list of active ingredients on the label each and every time you take a medicine. Following picture is a list of some OTC or prescription drugs that contain acetaminophen.

drugs that contains acetaminophen

When you take drugs for pain relief. Please check whether the drug contains apap. You cannot take more than 4000mg acetaminophen per day.

Liver Damage While taking Acetaminophen

The safety dosage is 3000mg per day.  Acetaminophen has been associated with cases of acute liver failure, at times resulting in liver transplant and death. Most of the cases of liver injury are associated with the use of acetaminophen at doses that exceed 4000 milligrams per day, and often involve more than one acetaminophen-containing product.  According to the FDA, in the United States there were “56,000 emergency room visits, 26,000 hospitalizations, and 458 deaths per year related to acetaminophen-associated overdoses during the 1990s. Within these estimates, unintentional acetaminophen overdose accounted for nearly 25% of the emergency department visits, 10% of the hospitalizations, and 25% of the deaths.” [1]

Pregnancy and nursing mom warning while taking fioricet
Acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine components may all be excreted to some extent into breast milk.  According to the manufacturer, because many drugs are excreted in human milk and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug. Caffeine can accumulate in the neonate. Chronic barbiturate use while breast-feeding may cause dependence in the neonate. The chronic use of acetaminophen, butalbital, caffeine during breast-feeding is not recommended.

Serious Skin Reactions
Rarely, acetaminophen may cause serious skin reactions such as acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), which can be fatal. Patients should be informed about the signs of serious skin reactions, and use of the drug should be discontinued at the first appearance of skin rash or any other sign of hypersensitivity.

Other warnings
other serious warning is listed in our first page. Following Patients can not buy Fioricet Online. [2]